Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a silver chain of rain

Tell me how many beads there are
In a silver chain
Of evening rain
Unraveled from the tumbling main
And threading the eye of a yellow star:
- So many times do I love again.
~Thomas Lovell Beddoes

It rained today. I went to class in rain and I came home in rain. On the third floor which looks out of ancient windows onto the roof, the seething purple clouds provided endless distraction from Calculus (quite welcome) and it rained through English Lit, the drops providing a soothing counterpoint to the analysis of The Power and the Glory- Graham Greene anyone?

Having little to when when I got home (for once...) and with visions of raindrops in my head I set out to photograph my garden that will soon be gone thanks to autumn

And a lovely spiderweb- I love how raindrops and dew cling to each strand

And then I got to go back to my cozy little room and read my books with a nice cup of tea and some toast! Who could ask anything more of a rainy day?

